Home > New York > Bronx County > New York City Geographic District # 9 School District

New York City Geographic District # 9 School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:34590 | Teacher:2534
Phone: 718-842-0138
450 St Paul's Plrm 204 Bronx, NY 10456
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Total Students:34590
American Indian:145
Two or more races:0
Student - Special Education:7692
Student - English Learner:9046
Teacher - PreKindergarten:34
Teacher - Kindergarten:199
Teacher - Elementary:1273
Teacher - Secondary:608
Teacher - Ungraded:420
Instructional Aides:0
Instructional Coordinators:33
Guidance Counselor - Elementary41
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:54
Guidance Counselor - Others:-2
Guidance Counselor - Total:95
Librarians/media specialists:15
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:20
LEA administrative support staff:0
School administrators:194
School administrative support staff:35
Student support services staff:122
All other support services staff:9

Nearby school districts: Family Life Academy Charter School, Grand Concourse Academy Charter School, Bronx Academy Of Promise Charter School, Icahn Charter School 1, Harriet Tubman Charter School, Bronx Preparatory Charter School, New York City Geographic District # 3, Kipp Academy Charter School, Bronx Global Learning Institute For Girls Charter , The Equity Project Charter School

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Jhs 166 Roberto ClementeBronx,NYOther School08-08169
Bronx School for Law, Government and JusticeBronx,NYOther School06-127254
I.S. 313 School of Leadership DevelopmentBronx,NYOther School06-104481
Bronx High School For Medical ScienceBronx,NYOther School06-124344
Frederick Douglas Academy Iii Secondary SchoolBronx,NYOther School06-126093
Urban Assembly School For Applied Math And ScienceBronx,NYOther School06-125905
Bronx Early College Academy For Teaching And LearnBronx,NYOther School06-10377
Bronx Leadership Academy High SchoolBronx,NYHigh School09-126523
Bronx International High SchoolBronx,NYHigh School09-124013
School For ExcellenceBronx,NYHigh School09-124333
Bronx High School Of BusinessBronx,NYHigh School09-124392
Jonathan Levin High School of Media and CommunicationsBronx,NYHigh School09-124152

New York City Geographic District # 9 school district is located at 450 St Paul's Plrm 204 Bronx, NY 10456. Please call 718-842-0138.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in New York City Geographic District # 9 school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in New York City Geographic District # 9 school district was 2534: 1273 of them were elementary school teachers, 608 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in New York City Geographic District # 9 school district was 34590: 7692 of them were in special education program, 9046 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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