Home > California > Contra Costa County > West Contra Costa Unified School District

West Contra Costa Unified School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:29842 | Teacher:1184
Phone: 510-231-1101
1108 Bissell Ave Richmond, CA 94801
  1. Profile
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Total Students:29842
American Indian:29
Two or more races:4561
Student - Special Education:4063
Student - English Learner:-1
Teacher - PreKindergarten:-1
Teacher - Kindergarten:102
Teacher - Elementary:743
Teacher - Secondary:338
Teacher - Ungraded:0
Instructional Aides:277
Instructional Coordinators:36
Guidance Counselor - Elementary12
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:22
Guidance Counselor - Others:-2
Guidance Counselor - Total:34
Librarians/media specialists:11
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:26
LEA administrative support staff:83
School administrators:95
School administrative support staff:117
Student support services staff:62
All other support services staff:426

Nearby school districts: Albany City Unified, Berkeley Unified, Emery Unified, Reed Union Elementary, John Swett Unified, Larkspur, Sausalito Marin City, Marin Pupil Transportation Agency Jpa, Tamalpais Union High, Mill Valley Elementary

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Omega Continuation HighRichmond,CAUnknown09-12-2
Kappa Continuation HighRichmond,CAUnknown09-12-2
Transition Learning CenterSan Pablo,CAUnknownKG-12-2
Helms Middle SchoolSan Pablo,CAOther School06-129642
Pinole Middle SchoolPinole,CAOther School07-107383
Pinole Valley High SchoolPinole,CAOther School06-1212194
North Campus Continuation SchoolSan Pablo,CAOther School01-121202
Vista High (Alternative) SchoolSan Pablo,CAOther SchoolKG-122192
De Anza Senior High SchoolRichmond,CAHigh School08-126294
Crespi Junior High SchoolEl Sobrante,CAHigh School07-125454
El Cerrito Senior High SchoolEl Cerrito,CAHigh School08-129574
Gompers (Samuel) Continuation SchoolRichmond,CAHigh School09-121152

West Contra Costa Unified school district is located at 1108 Bissell Ave Richmond, CA 94801. Please call 510-231-1101.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in West Contra Costa Unified school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in West Contra Costa Unified school district was 1184: 743 of them were elementary school teachers, 338 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in West Contra Costa Unified school district was 29842: 4063 of them were in special education program, -1 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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