Home > Texas > Bexar County > Southwest Independent School District School District

Southwest Independent School District School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:11815 | Teacher:735
Phone: 210-622-4731
11914 Dragon Ln San Antonio, TX 78252
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Total Students:11815
American Indian:12
Two or more races:89
Student - Special Education:1277
Student - English Learner:1396
Teacher - PreKindergarten:18
Teacher - Kindergarten:51
Teacher - Elementary:328
Teacher - Secondary:272
Teacher - Ungraded:65
Instructional Aides:99
Instructional Coordinators:8
Guidance Counselor - Elementary-1
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:-1
Guidance Counselor - Others:27
Guidance Counselor - Total:27
Librarians/media specialists:9
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:6
LEA administrative support staff:49
School administrators:62
School administrative support staff:42
Student support services staff:49
All other support services staff:405

Nearby school districts: Somerset Isd, Lackland Isd, Lighthouse Charter School, South San Antonio Isd, Harmony Science Acad (San Antonio), Lytle Isd, Edgewood Isd, Medina Valley Isd, Harlandale Isd, Por Vida Academy

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Spicewood Park Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXUnknownN-N-2
Bexar County J J A E PSan Antonio,TXOther School09-103
Southwest High SchoolSan Antonio,TXHigh School09-1230715
Ronald E Mcnair Middle SchoolSan Antonio,TXMiddle School06-089284
Sharon Christa Mcauliffe Middle SchoolSan Antonio,TXMiddle School06-089203
Francis R Scobee Middle SchoolSan Antonio,TXMiddle School06-088174
Kriewald Rd Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXElementary SchoolPK-055524
Elm Creek Elementary SchoolAtascosa,TXElementary SchoolPK-057534
Big Country Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXElementary SchoolPK-056255
Hidden Cove Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXElementary SchoolPK-057263
Sky Harbour Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXElementary SchoolPK-056705
Indian Creek Elementary SchoolSan Antonio,TXElementary SchoolPK-057105

Southwest Independent School District school district is located at 11914 Dragon Ln San Antonio, TX 78252. Please call 210-622-4731.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Southwest Independent School District school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Southwest Independent School District school district was 735: 328 of them were elementary school teachers, 272 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Southwest Independent School District school district was 11815: 1277 of them were in special education program, 1396 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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