Home > Virginia > Accomack County > Accomack County Public Schools School District

Accomack County Public Schools School District
Grades: PK-12 | Student:5088 | Teacher:299
Phone: 757-787-5754
23296 Courthouse Ave Accomac, VA 23301
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Total Students:5088
American Indian:11
Two or more races:2
Student - Special Education:579
Student - English Learner:560
Teacher - PreKindergarten:11
Teacher - Kindergarten:20
Teacher - Elementary:109
Teacher - Secondary:159
Teacher - Ungraded:-2
Instructional Aides:68
Instructional Coordinators:58
Guidance Counselor - Elementary4
Guidance Counselor - Secondary:7
Guidance Counselor - Others:0
Guidance Counselor - Total:11
Librarians/media specialists:10
Library/media support staff:
LEA administrators:5
LEA administrative support staff:15
School administrators:20
School administrative support staff:22
Student support services staff:20
All other support services staff:292

Nearby school districts: Northampton Co Pblc Schs, Project Renew/Northampton Co, Lancaster Co Pblc Schs, Mathews Co Pblc Schs, Northern Neck Regional, Northumberland Co Pblc Schs, Middlesex Co Pblc Schs, Gloucester Co Pblc Schs, Mid Peninsula Reg Spec Ed Ctr, Poquoson City Pblc Schs

Distict SchoolsLocationLevelGradesStudentsScore
Chincoteague HighChincoteague,VAOther School06-12279
Tangier CombinedTangier,VAOther SchoolKG-1274
Arcadia HighOak Hall,VAHigh School09-12610
Badger Vocational Education. Center - SouthOnley,VAHigh School09-12-2
Nandua High SchoolOnley,VAHigh School09-126036
Badger Voc. Education Ctr. - NorthOak Hall,VAHigh School09-12-2
Arcadia MiddleOak Hall,VAMiddle School06-08467
Nandua Middle SchoolOnley,VAMiddle School06-084723
Metompkin Elementary SchoolParksley,VAElementary SchoolPK-056174
Accawmacke Elementary SchoolAccomac,VAElementary SchoolPK-055587
Pungoteague Elementary SchoolMelfa,VAElementary SchoolPK-055363
Kegotank Elem.Mappsville,VAElementary SchoolPK-05604

Accomack County Public Schools school district is located at 23296 Courthouse Ave Accomac, VA 23301. Please call 757-787-5754.

The above table lists the number of teachers, teacher assistants and administration staffs in Accomack County Public Schools school district during school year 2009 - 2010. The total number of teachers in Accomack County Public Schools school district was 299: 109 of them were elementary school teachers, 159 were secondary school teachers.

The number of students in Accomack County Public Schools school district was 5088: 579 of them were in special education program, 560 were in English Language Learner(EEL) served in appropriate programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

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