Home > > benton county School Districts

Public School Districts in benton county,

1. Central Minnesota E.R.D.C.570 1st St Se St. Cloud,MN 563043202020992
Grade: N-NSchools: 0Students: -2
2. Foley Public School District840 Norman Ave North Foley,MN 563293209687175
Grade: PK-12Schools: 3Students: 1768
3. Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools1833 Osauka Rd Ne Sauk Rapids,MN 563793202534703
Grade: PK-12Schools: 6Students: 3824

The above table lists all the public school districts in benton county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in benton county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Sauk Rapids-Rice Senior High School
Sauk Rapids,MNHigh School09-12
2. Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School
Sauk Rapids,MNMiddle School06-08
3. Mississippi Heights Elementary School
Sauk Rapids,MNElementary SchoolKG-05
4. Foley Intermediate Elementary School
Foley,MNMiddle School04-08
5. Pleasant View Elementary School
Sauk Rapids,MNElementary SchoolPK-05
6. Foley Elementary School
Foley,MNElementary SchoolPK-03
7. Foley Senior High School
Foley,MNHigh School09-12
8. Rice Elementary School
Rice,MNElementary SchoolPK-05
9. Sauk Rapids Early Child. Family Education
Sauk Rapids,MNElementary SchoolPK-PK

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