Home > > saline county School Districts

Public School Districts in saline county,

1. Central Kansas Cooperative In Education409 West Cloud Salina,KS 674017853095100
Grade: N-NSchools: 0Students: -2
2. Ell-Saline Public Schools412 East Anderson Brookville,KS 674257852256813
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 478
3. Salina Public Schools1511 Gypsum Salina,KS 674027853094700
Grade: PK-12Schools: 12Students: 7335
4. Southeast of Saline Public Schools5056 East K4 Hwy Gypsum,KS 674487855364291
Grade: KG-12Schools: 2Students: 734

The above table lists all the public school districts in saline county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in saline county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Salina High South
Salina,KSHigh School09-12
2. Salina High Central
Salina,KSHigh School09-12
3. Salina South Middle School
Salina,KSMiddle School06-08
4. Lakewood Middle School
Salina,KSMiddle School06-08
5. Stewart Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05
6. Heusner Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05
7. Coronado Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05
8. Cottonwood Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05
9. Schilling Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05
10. Sunset Elementary School
Salina,KSElementary SchoolKG-05

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