Home > Minnesota > Norman County > Ada-Borup Public School District > Ada-Borup Area Learning Program High School

Ada-Borup Area Learning Program, High School
Grades: 09-12 | Student:0 | Teacher:0 | Score:
Phone: 218-784-5300
604 West Thorpe Ave Ada, MN 56510
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School District:Ada-Borup Public School District
School Level:High School
School Grades:09-12
Number of Students:0
Number of Teachers:0
County:Norman County, Minnesota
Office Phone:218-784-5300
Web Site:
Operational Status:Open, Operational
Environment:Rural, Remote Census-defined rural territory
School Type:Other/alternative School
Mailing Address:604 W Thorpe Avenue
Ada, MN 56510

Other Ada-Borup Public School District schools: Ada-Borup Secondary School, Borup Elementary, Ada Elementary School
GradesTotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianTwo or more races
Grade 90000000
Grade 100000000
Grade 110000000
Grade 120000000

During school year 2010-2011(the most recent data year available), Ada-Borup Area Learning Program High School had 0 students and 0 full time teachers. The student ratio was unknown. Regarding the gender, 0 students were female, 0 students were male. Regarding the racial makeup of the students, 0 were white, 0 were African American, 0 were Hispanic, 0 were Asian(including Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander), 0 were American Indian or Alaska Native, 0 were reported from two or more races.

Totally 0 students were eligible for subsidized lunch program: no students were eligible for free lunch, no students were eligible for reduced price lunch.Ada-Borup Area Learning Program High School is located at 604 West Thorpe Ave, Ada, MN 56510. The school environment is Rural, Remote Census-defined rural territory.

Ada-Borup Area Learning Program High School belongs to Norman County and is managed by Ada-Borup Public School District school district. It serves students from grade 09 to grade 12. The school's operational status is Open, Operational. Please call their phone number 218-784-5300 for more information about the school's enrollment and education programs.

School Year: 2010-2011
Data source: Institute of Education Sciences (IES), United States Department of Education

Special Code:

N: an alphanumeric value is neither expected nor measured.
-2: a numeric value is neither expected nor measured.
M: an alphanumeric value is expected but none was measured.
-1: a numeric value is expected but none was measured.

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