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Public School Districts in adair county,

1. Bell School DistrictRoute 5 Bell Salem Rd Stilwell,OK 749609186967181
Grade: PK-08Schools: -2Students: -2
2. Cave Springs School DistrictOld Hwy 17 Bunch,OK 749319187752364
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 162
3. Dahlonegah School DistrictRoute 1 1795 Stilwell,OK 749609186967807
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 136
4. Greasy School DistrictRoute 1 Stilwell,OK 749609186967768
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 75
5. Maryetta School District100 Maryetta Rd Stilwell,OK 749609186962285
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 672
6. Peavine School DistrictRr 3 Hwy 59 North Adair County Stillwell,OK 749609186967818
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 179
7. Rocky Mountain School DistrictRoute 1 665 Stilwell,OK 749609186967509
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 210
8. Skelly School DistrictRt 1 918 Watts,OK 749649187235572
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 62
9. Stilwell School District10 South 6th St Stilwell,OK 749609186967001
Grade: PK-12Schools: 3Students: 1358
10. Watts School DistrictRt 2 1 Watts,OK 749649184225311
Grade: PK-12Schools: 2Students: 400
11. Westville School DistrictHwy 62 And Park St Westville,OK 749659187233181
Grade: PK-12Schools: 3Students: 1187
12. Zion School DistrictRt. 1 Stilwell,OK 749609186967866
Grade: PK-08Schools: 1Students: 340

The above table lists all the public school districts in adair county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can search public schools districts by location.

The table below lists the largest public schools in adair county, , sorted by the number of students.

1. Maryetta Public School
Stilwell,OKElementary SchoolPK-08
2. Westville Elementary School
Westville,OKElementary SchoolPK-06
3. Stilwell High School
Stilwell,OKHigh School09-12
4. Stilwell Elementary School
Stilwell,OKElementary SchoolPK-04
5. Westville High School
Westville,OKHigh School09-12
6. Zion Public School
Stilwell,OKElementary SchoolPK-08
7. Stilwell Middle School
Stilwell,OKMiddle School05-08
8. Watts Elementary School
Watts,OKElementary SchoolPK-08
9. Rocky Mountain Public School
Stilwell,OKElementary SchoolPK-08
10. Peavine Elementary School
Stilwell,OKElementary SchoolPK-08

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