1. Atwater Elementary | 1401 Broadway Ave Atwater,CA 95301 | 2093576100 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 10 | Students: 4505 |
2. Ballico-Cressey Elementary | 11818 West Gregg St Ballico,CA 95303 | 2096325371 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 2 | Students: 298 |
3. Delhi Unified | 9716 Hinton Ave Delhi,CA 95315 | 2096562000 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 6 | Students: 2606 |
4. Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified | 2041 Almond St Dos Palos,CA 93620 | 2093920200 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 9 | Students: 2324 |
5. East Merced County Public Facilities Financing Authority | 3430 A St Atwater,CA 95301 | 2093856558 |
Grade: N-N | Schools: 0 | Students: -1 |
6. El Nido Elementary | 161 East El Nido Rd El Nido,CA 95317 | 2093858420 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 151 |
7. Gustine Unified | 1500 Meredith Ave Gustine,CA 95322 | 2098543784 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 5 | Students: 1751 |
8. Hilmar Unified | 7807 North Lander Ave Hilmar,CA 95324 | 2096675701 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 6 | Students: 2253 |
9. Le Grand Union Elementary | 13071 East Le Grand Rd Le Grand,CA 95333 | 2093894515 |
Grade: N-N | Schools: 1 | Students: -1 |
10. Le Grand Union High | 12961 East Le Grand Rd Le Grand,CA 95333 | 2093899403 |
Grade: 09-12 | Schools: 2 | Students: 542 |
11. Livingston Union Elementary | 922 B St Livingston,CA 95334 | 2093945400 |
Grade: PK-08 | Schools: 4 | Students: 2515 |
12. Los Banos Unified | 1717 South 11th St Los Banos,CA 93635 | 2098263801 |
Grade: PK-12 | Schools: 13 | Students: 9250 |
13. Mcswain Union Elementary | 926 Scott Rd Merced,CA 95341 | 2093542700 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 820 |
14. Merced City Elementary | 444 West 23rd St Merced,CA 95340 | 2093856600 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 18 | Students: 10778 |
15. Merced County Office Of Education | 632 West 13th St Merced,CA 95341 | 2093816600 |
Grade: KG-12 | Schools: 7 | Students: 1735 |
16. Merced County Rop | 632 West 13th St Merced,CA 95340 | 2093816677 |
Grade: N-N | Schools: 1 | Students: -1 |
17. Merced River Union Elementary | 4402 West Oakdale Rd Winton,CA 95388 | 2093585679 |
Grade: PK-08 | Schools: 2 | Students: 180 |
18. Merced Union High | 3430 A St Atwater,CA 95301 | 2093856412 |
Grade: 09-12 | Schools: 8 | Students: 10432 |
19. Plainsburg Union Elementary | 3708 South Plainsburg Rd Merced,CA 95341 | 2093894707 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 137 |
20. Planada Elementary | 9525 East Brodrick St Planada,CA 95365 | 2093820756 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 2 | Students: 748 |
21. Snelling-Merced Falls Union Elementary | 16099 North Hwy 59 Snelling,CA 95369 | 2095636414 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 1 | Students: 93 |
22. Weaver Union | 3076 East Childs Ave Merced,CA 95340 | 2097237606 |
Grade: PK-08 | Schools: 3 | Students: 2560 |
23. Winton Elementary | 7000 North Center St Winton,CA 95388 | 2093576175 |
Grade: KG-08 | Schools: 4 | Students: 1811 |
The above table lists all the public school districts in merced county, , sorted by school district names alphabetically. Please click the school district name to browse all schools in the district. If you could not find your school district names or you do not know school district names, you can
search public schools districts by location.
The table below lists the largest public schools in merced county, , sorted by the number of students.